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Career Guides 


With national coverage of the first edition in 1997 Tracks found an eager audience, including many parents needing to inform their children’s choices for the future. Over several editions the title has been revised and updated.


The new edition carries three work descriptions per page, listing pay scales and qualifications to degree level, with advice from  professionals and chartered institutes. The contact pages cross-reference with  auriobooks on Audible.


The 2018 edition Tracks, covers over one hundred and fifty career paths in fourteen sections from banking and financial services to sports and fitness.


Tracks aims to provide a reliable source of information for the younger reader, that also gives an idea of the technical   operation of each area. “I never knew there were  so  many  opportunities,” a school student  enthused at a presentation of the guide;  an  excitement we hope to preserve in the continued development of Tracks.

Nicholas James, series editor, Tracks.

N.P. James

Studio F, Candid Arts Trust,

3 Torrens Street, Islington,

London EC1V 1NQ



© 2022 by EMMA JAMES 

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